Area & Group
- Helplines and Websites
- Area Do’s and Don’ts
- Consensus Based Decision Making (CBDM)
- Meeting Attendance Cards in Virtual Meetings
- Instructions to Form a Tax Exempt Area
- NA Acronyms (PDF)
- Predatory Behavior Pamphlet
- Disruptive and Violent Behavior Pamphlet
- YAP General Info for Areas & New Helpline Chairs
- Dealing with Grief & Loss Materials
Regional Service Committee
- Upcoming RSC Weekend Information
- RSC Minutes
- Submit a report (RCM Report or General Report)
- Fill out the HRP Form
- Guide To Florida Regional Service
- RSC Orientation Booklet
- Fellowship Development Idea Submission Form (or printable PDF)
- RSC Proposal Form (or printable PDF) must be submitted by Saturday Guide meeting
- RSC Weekend Agenda
- Consensus Based Decision Making PowerPoint
- RCM Training Tool
- Regional Workgroups
Additional Needs & Accessibility
- Point of Contact Guidelines
- Hearing Impaired Guidelines
- Blind and Vision Impaired Guidelines
- Guidelines for Situations With Service Dogs and Handlers
Florida Regional Service Office
FRCNA, Inc. Resources
Beyond the Region
For the Public
- I need information
- I would like NA at my facility
- I would like a presentation about NA
- I need NA literature for my facility
- Refer clients to local meetings
- Refer clients to virtual meetings
- Resources for professionals
- An Introduction to NA Meetings (pdf)
- Here are some of the readings we use in our meetings: